Featured Products
Every product on this page is New York Fashion Geek Approved. I think if you use them they will help you on your journey to become the best you can be. I get commissions for purchases made through these links.

Dapper Woodworks
Dapper Woodworks is a Men's accessory brand that makes handmade tie racks, pocket square organizers and collar stay holders out of beautiful woods like white oak, leopardwood and Thuya burl. I'm very fond of their lapel pins.
Here is my interview with owner Justin Trewhitt.
Hit the button below and use Code: FASHIONGEEK For The Hookup.

Guy Lively
I was fortunate enough to meet the creator of Guy Lively, a Men’s skincare line based out of Minneapolis, at a webinar. The rest was history. I tried out all the products on my face and was really happy with the results. The soaps, the face wash, face cream, face serum, and the body lotion. They’re all natural ingredients and very clean smelling with no heavy fragrances. I never tried beard oil before and I liked it. Guys need skincare too.